Infant and Toddler

As with all our programs, our infant and toddler program will focus on the growth of your child as a whole; emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually.

A warm and secure environment, quality, well-trained, loving staff and a focus on play and exploration will help your child grow into the person we believe God made them to be. We firmly believe that a child’s early experiences help shape their view of the world and we love having the opportunity to partner with parents to provide a strong foundation that starts at 6 weeks and continues until they reach fifth grade.

Current Infant/Toddler Rates

Weekly Pay Rates

  • Infant Care:  (6 weeks to mobile): $258/week
  • Older Infant:  (Mobile to roughly 18 months): $251/week
  • Toddler: (18 months old until they are potty-trained): $223/week
  • Toddler II (2.5- 3 years old, not potty trained): $209/week  

Monthly Pay Rates (approx. $25 less per month)

  • Infant Care:  (6 weeks to Walking): $1,092/ Month
  • Older Infant: (Mobile to roughly 18 months): $1065/month
  • Toddler:  (18 months old until they are potty-trained): $939/month
  • Toddler II (2.5-3 years old, not potty trained): $879/ month

Annual Pay Rate (5% discount off weekly rate)

  • Infant Care:  (6 weeks to Walking): $12,739
  • Older Infant:  (Walking to roughly 18 months): $12,400
  • Toddler: (18 months old until they are potty-trained): $11,016
  • Toddler II (2.5- 3 years old, not potty trained): $10,325


*** Please note that all movement to older classrooms and adjusting of billing is contingent on availability of space in the next classroom up.

Our infant and toddler classrooms are currently on a waiting list. Please complete the waitlist application below or email questions to
